Monday, December 15, 2008

Random Texts, random order..

Can't keep'm all - no room. Very random, very few...


There was just a bomb. Im ok i was in middle of learning chassidis

If you think breaking down 5 times is not enough then it was 6 times!

On the way to oslo stop will kill arafat stop or henchmen stop good shabbos stop this is my version of tel

eh ignoring my text messages will get you NOWHERE

: I stand corrected. It WILL get u somewhere. Into big trouble. Ubber BIG!

I told her how much i used to enjoy reading her emails

T..W.. tefillin bag is right in front of me. Im so tempted to take a pic but im too worried ill be caught red

Call me if ur bored and interested in reading to me from the english siddur....

You won't believe this but i'm holding a baby now

As long as it says alav hasholom - kinahoog bihespeidim

Wow! Great article! - no-none of the galachim will be there- so noone can come

Safe trip! Its free so y not(uh! Maybe not free, oh well!) hee! Hee!

Hows my dvar malchus doing


  1. haa! i recognize most of them. that was fun. i TOTALLY didn't remember the oslo one.

    it would be more fun if i knew that nobody else was reading...

    ich, make it private.

  2. Me too totally didn't remember Oslo one...

    Me too miss Mendy.

    So many more saved and so many many more deleted already...too bad...

    Now I can go Israel....
