Thursday, January 3, 2008

Humanitarian Grounds...

Security Guard : You know this office only handles emergency passports.
Me trying to convince him it's kinda an emergency..
S.G. : You know what? It's all about persuasion, try to convince them. But if they don't do it, then you can always enter by land.
Me trying to understand how in the world do I enter England by land.
S.G. : Well, you can fly till the closest destination then walk over the border.
Me still not comprehending how and where would be the closest place...
S.G. OHHHH, you want to go to England... Ha, I thought to Canada...

At the window telling my story... need a passport...
"Is it emergency?"
Me, well ya, kinda, my daughter had a baby and needs my help...
"Not emergency, it will take about 6 weeks, we cannot do it any faster, need to send it to Canada"
Me trying to straighten him out by saying that they COULD do it faster, a raya because if it IS an emergency then they CAN hack it!
So I say, "Treat it as an emergency".
No go..
I ask for supervisor -
My buddy Security Guard comes over to see how I'm faring...

On the window- paper states what is considered an emergency, one of the things is if you are going under Humanitarian grounds.
Me don't really know what that is, but hey I'll try..
Supervisor comes...
Me, "Can you treat this as an emergency under the Humanitarian grounds...?"
She asks how that is ... I tell her my daughter needs my help... 4th baby etc...
She says if we get a doctor's note that she needs my help.... then maybe...

And Aliza laughed and laughed... "Humanitarian..."

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