Sunday, June 29, 2008


Aim - 500.
Changed it to 1,000.
Gold goal - 10,000.

5,000 - WOW!!

10,000 no longer relevant -
New goal - 50,000.
Way past 70,000!!!!!
And climbing.

Fascinating to watch it grow by the minute...

70, 750 (as of this very second) people joined together --

WAITING FOR GILAD SHALIT (and the other captured soldiers) TO COME HOME!!

Friday, June 27, 2008

"Sometimes Anonymous is not anonymous"

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Gilad. Two Years.

Whatta week... # 1

The music is blasting-
The walls are vibrating-
The kids are dancing.

He walks in, looks at them -
"Why are they dancing?" he asks me.

He is deaf.



And there is NOTHING i can do about it now. Like once the milk is spilled, what now??? IT'S TOO LATE!!!!! No crying will help, no pulling my hair out will help, no smashing all the windows in the house will help, not even if I break all of someones bones will it help!!!


Sunday, June 22, 2008

Stam...'ish...was a bird perched too

This past year....

5 plus 3 plus 1 = 9

Pending - 2

Missed deadline- 1

Unwanted - 2

And I think I'm done. For real.

In the lead - Sheina's B-day.
Runner up - Challah.

Peace piece

Peace! For G-d's Sake (Editorial & Commentary)

Friday, June 20, 2008

re politics

.....young people getting excited as a result of their unique combination of naivete, lack of wisdom, romantic idealism and narcissism.

Dennis Prager.
Is self-restraint always a virtue?
Word of the Day - defenestrate: to throw out of a window.

Fenster, hehe.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Mayn Stalker...

... Stealthily tracks me.


.... Follows me.


.... Chases me.


.... Overtakes me.


.... Moves in with me.

Mayn Stalker?


G-d help me.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Ridiculous or Ridiculous??

He didn't answer 'omayn'.

He was upset with the Chazzan.


Tuesday, June 17, 2008



Friday, June 6, 2008

Some things I want to share...

A. The blueberries were not cleaned up.

B. The Swedes left.

C. Two weeks later - and the day to do something nothing did not happen.

D. Oliver.

Shavuos... an auspicious time Above.
On that day Hashem confuses the "supernal accuser" of Israel, a.k.a the satan, similar to His confounding the accuser during Shofar - sounding on Rosh Hashana and on the holy day of Yom Kippur.
So Shavuos is an opportune time to achieve everything in improving Torah-study and Avoda marked by fear (awe) of G-d, and also to strive in Teshuva concerning Torah-study, without interference by the accusing Satan.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Hayom Yom

This, then, is the Avoda of whoever desires life -
to remove these coverings, to establish for himself periods for the study of Chassidus, and to conduct himself in the manner of the Chassidic community.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Tefillat Hashalo, for erev Rosh Chodesh Sivan

You are G-d our G-d before You created the world, and you are our G-d after You created the world; forever and ever You are G-d.

You created the world so that your G-dliness would become known through Your Holy Torah, as our Rabbis of blessed memory have stated:

"Bereishit – Beit Reishit"

Because of two (Beit) things called beginning (Reishit) G-d created the world - because of Torah and because of Israel.

For they are Your people and Your inheritance that You have chosen from all nations; You have given them your Holy Torah; and You have drawn them close to Your Holy Name.

To ensure the existence of the world and the existence of the Torah, we have received from You, G-d our G-d, two commandments:

You have written in Your Torah: Be Fruitful and Multiply and You have written in Your Torah: And you shall teach it (Torah) your children.

The intent of these two commandments is the same: For the world was not created without purpose but as an abode (for G-d). You created, formed and made it for Your Glory, so that we and the descendents of all Your People the House of Israel will know Your Name and learn Your Torah.

I therefore come before You, G-d, King, King of Kings. I place my petition before You, my eyes hang upon You until You favour me and hear my supplication:

Grant me sons and daughters, and may they too be fruitful and multiply, they and their children until the end of all generations, with the objective that they, and I and all of us, occupy ourselves in Your Holy Torah, to learn, to teach, to observe to do and to fulfill the words of Your Torah with love. Cause our eyes to shine with Your Torah, cause our hearts to cling to Your commandments, to love and to fear Your Name.

Our Father, merciful Father, grant all of us a long and blessed life. Who can be compared to You, Merciful Father, Who remembers His creatures for life with mercy! Remember us for eternal life!

Our father Abraham prayed: "Would he only live before You", which our sages have explained to mean Would he only live in awe of You".

I have therefore come to beseech and to petition before You, that my seed, and my seed's seed will forever be fit and proper seed, and may there never be found in me or in my seed or in my seed's seed anything to disqualify them or to make them unfit.

Rather Peace and Truth, and goodness and uprightness in the eyes of G-d and man. May they be masters of Torah, masters of the Bible, masters of the Mishna, masters of the Talmud, masters of the Secrets, masters of Mitzvah, masters of loving kindness, masters of great character. And may they serve You with love, and with inner awe, not superficial awe.

You G-d know all secrets, and before You are revealed all the mysteries of my heart. My intentions in all this are for the sake of Your Great and Holy Name, and for the sake of Your Holy Torah. Therefore, answer me G-d, answer me, for the sake of our Holy Fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Because of them grant salvation to the children, that they may be branches similar to their roots.

And for the sake of David Your servant, “the fourth leg” of your Divine Chariot, who sang inspired by Your Holy Spirit:

A Song of Ascents: Happy are those that fear G-d, who go in His ways. The toil of your hands you shall eat – Happy are you, and may it be Good for you. Your wife is a like a fruitful vine in the walls of your home. Your children are like shoots of olives around your table. Behold, so shall be blessed a man who fears G-d. May G-d bless you from Zion, and see in the good of Jerusalem all the days of your life. May you see children to your children; may there be Peace on Israel.

Please G-d – Who hears prayers – may it be fulfilled concerning me the verse:

“As for me this is my treaty with them, say G-d: The spirit which is upon you, and my words that I have placed in your mouth. May they not be removed from your mouth, and from the mouth of your seed, and from your seed’s seed, says G-d, from now and forever!”

May the words of my mouth and the thoughts of my heart, be acceptable before You, G-d my Rock and My Redeemer.

Monday, June 2, 2008

G-d is in charge...

However, one has free choice.

Would one turn down a match, because they do not like the matchmaker???

G-d, I hope not.